Building Health Integrity in Children

Dr. Roxanne Daleo introduces a new paradigm for building health integrity in children
that fosters wellness, wholeness and wisdom within them. She illustrates how parents,
teachers and health caregivers who are most responsible for preparing children to live
fulfilling lives, have attitudes, beliefs and habits that they acquired during their
upbringing which may not awaken their own health energies or that of the children they
are rearing. These health beliefs affect, not only, our overall sense of well-being but
also, how we:

Today's children face challenges and have needs that are significantly different from
those of the adults caring for them, therefore, we must be willing to evolve and adapt to
a changing world if we are to help our young generation achieve coping skills and reach
their potential.

For over 20 years, Dr. Roxanne Daleo, affectionately called “Dr. Roxie” has been
developing a system for successfully teaching young children these skills. She is a
reknowned health educator, specializing in relaxation and stress reduction, whose work
empowers children, parents and caregivers with ways to cope and conquer everyday
academic and life stressors, often through creative arts and play. A pioneer in her field
of health psychology, Dr. Roxie advocates non-drug alternative treatments which
include stress management, biofeedback training and cognitive/behavioral therapy
designed to help children calm the body, ally fears, improve concentration, develop
greater confidence and solve problems creatively. Her work in the field of mind/body
science is cutting-edge, dedicated to creating an entirely new paradigm of wellness,
wholeness and wisdom and the practical tools to achieve it.

Dr. Roxie's training and experience is unique because it was at a historic time when
groundbreaking medical research was crossing new disciplines, known as
psychoneuroimmunology (PNI). Her work at Boston Childrenʼs Hospital with bone
marrow transplant patients led her to be taken as member of the Mind/Body Clinic,
Division of Behavioral Medicine, founded by Harvard cardiologist, Dr. Herbert Benson,
who was studying the physiological effects of ancient oriental meditation practices. As
research assistant to Joan Borysenko, PhD, co-founder of the Mind/Body Clinic, Dr.
Roxie's own work developed innovative applications for children, based on stress and
pain research from other members of the Mind/Body group, including Jon Kabat-
Zinn.Ph.D. Founder of the Mindfulness-Based Program at the University of
Massachusetts Medical Center. Dr. Roxie became instructor and clinical supervisor in
the Department of Professional Studies-Child Life at Wheelock College, Boston. Then
later, worked with Harvard Health and Fitness conducting classes for faculty and staff.
She is best known for her audio guided imagery and relaxation journeys and as founder
of MindWorks for Children. She continues to see children and families in her private
practice in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

Date: Sunday, July 22
Time: 2:00PM - 5:00PM
Place: Pure Heart Foundation for Children's Health
32 Pinnacle Road
Harvard, MA 01451
Cost: $60

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Copyright 2012 MindWorks for Children, Inc.
Mindworks for Children
c/o Dr. Roxanne Daleo
P.O. Box 145
Harvard, MA 01451