What professionals say about the audio programs:

“MindWorks for children is a breakthrough in mind/body education, emotional literacy and compassion. Dr. Daleo’s excellent tapes can help your child sleep more peacefully, find love and creativity within, overcome fear and express their fullest potential. These delightful, comforting, powerful tapes should find a place in every home, school and clinical setting, where bringing forth the wholeness of the child are a conscious concern.”

Joan Borysenko, PhD, scientist, professor, leader in the mind/body movement, author of the national bestseller, “Minding the Body, Mending the Mind

“We think these tapes are a wonderful resource for young families, childcare centers, and schools. Dr. Daleo’s tapes encourage children to use their imaginations to create a beautiful resting place of their own. The journeys are filled with joyful music, singing birds, and soothing sounds. The images are created by the enchanting rhythm and rhyme in the stories. And, when parents are involved, this approach has added the added benefit of being a good way for them to connect with their children.”

Child Health Alert Magazine

“These tapes are a wonderful way for children to learn about relaxation, meditation, and taking care of themselves. Dr. Roxanne’s voice is perfect for relaxation, lovely, friendly, and very effective. I highly recommend the MindWork’s tapes to promote health – awareness in children.”

Christine Northrup, MD, Author, “Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom

What kids say about the audio programs:
“Dear Roxanne,

Thank you for helping me think better about my self, relax and remember I have talents and much more. If it was not for you I would probably be miserable and maybe not at my school, which is where I belong. I hope to see you every once in awhile just to keep in touch.

Love always,
Catherine” 8 years old

What parents say about the audio programs:

“Dear Dr. Daleo,

I recently bought The Star Within for my nine-year old daughter. She has been meditating since she was about four or five, so these types of journeys are not new to her. Your tape is absolutely THE BEST we have come across for children. My daughter loves it, and I see the positive effects in her…I wish you great success in this very important work you are doing!


“Dear Roxanne,

I appreciated your promptness in mailing your superb tapes to us. I have 5 children aged 14 to 6 years. I have been playing the tapes every night since receiving them. I am so impressed with the calmness my children have displayed after listening to them. It’s been helpful for all of them to fall asleep quickly. Especially it’s helped my eight year old son. He has a lot of hyperactive energy and bed times are difficult for him…thanks.

Your friend,

Retailer Reviews

By: Karen Crane

Parents, grandparents, and teachers will be happy to discover a new series of story cassettes created by Dr. Roxanne Daleo of MindWorks for Children. These value-teaching tapes build self-esteem, self-reliance, and basic life skills.
The latest release features Wanka, the Caring Elephant who teaches about the interdependence of all creatures. It is the comforting tale of a young elephant learning to relate with care to the family of animals in his jungle home.
The lively music, simple song lyrics, and well-crafted story line will entertain children while teaching them valuable community skills along the way. On the flip side of Wanka, Dr. Roxanne leads a guided meditation to familiarize children with the sensations and concept of a relaxed body.
The Wanka story tape is also available in a gift package that includes a brightly colored pillow on which the children can relax while listening.
Set up a listening station to promote sales. Your customers will be eager to share Wanka’s message with the children in their lives. Role models for New Age living can be hard to find, but little Wanka, the Caring Elephant, is one with which young children can easily relate.


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Copyright 2012 MindWorks for Children, Inc.
Mindworks for Children
c/o Dr. Roxanne Daleo
P.O. Box 145
Harvard, MA 01451